Since 1976, Animal Liberation has been fighting for transparency across all animal-related industries, to enable consumers to make educated choices. While also pushing for an Independent Office of Animal Welfare, the most effective way to reduce our impact and harm on others is to opt for a vegan lifestyle, avoiding the support of any industry that profits off the exploitation of animals.
Pigs Without Borders
Ban rat poisons
Monitoring NSW’s Greyhound Racing Regulator (GWIC)
Breaking the camel's back
Ban 1080 Poison
Reform NSW's Planning Laws
NSW Pound and Shelter Reform
Stop the aerial slaughter of free-roaming wild horses
End the kangaroo slaughter
Become a Conscious Consumer
Australian Rabbit Farming Exposé
Independent Office of Animal Welfare
Drop Dairy
Oppose Tweed Greyhound Death Track
Break-Up with Eggs
Demand Shelter for Farmed Animals
Ban Pig Dogging
Demand Water for Ducks
Ban the Whip
Short-Term Campaigns
Inquiry into Greyhound Racing NSW
Oppose the Macarthur Pets breeding facility
Stop another greyhound death track
Have a compassionate Christmas
What We’ve Done
For 45 years, Animal Liberation has been at the forefront of exposing animal cruelty and advocating for animal rights. Below are some of the campaigns we’ve worked on over the years.
Dairy farming
Rabbit farming
Duck farming
Dominion documentary
2021 horse racing breakdown
Circus campaigns
Egg farming
Right 2 Release
Pig farming

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