Leave a Bequest
A Legacy of Love
By leaving a bequest to Animal Liberation, you are continuing to help the lives of non-human animals well beyond your years. On your behalf, Animal Liberation will continue to investigate, educate, liberate, and fight for all animals.
As Animal Liberation is a not-for-profit and receives no government funding, we rely solely on donations gifts from generous supporters to continue working towards a more compassionate Australia.
You may choose to leave:
a specific sum of money;
a specific gift of property such as real estate, shares or insurance policies;
a percentage of your estate; or,
what is left of your estate when gifts have been distributed to family and friends.
Animal Angel
As a small token of our gratitude for your compassion and generosity, we would like to gift you with an Animal Liberation lapel pin and invite you to become one of our Animal Angels.
We understand that the choice to leave a bequest is very personal and would like you to know that there is no obligation to let us know if you intend to leave Animal Liberation in your Will. We would just love the opportunity to thank you for your generosity.
When organising your bequest, your attorney may choose to use the following in your will:
“I give ………………………… free of all duties and testamentary expenses to Animal Liberation NSW Inc. for the purpose of its activities in accordance with its aims, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer of the organisation or the Treasurer’s delegate will be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.”
Charity No. CFN11637
ACN 002 228 328
ABN 66 002 228 328
Please consult your attorney or professional adviser to ensure that your plans are in compliance with all applicable laws.
To arrange a confidential conversation or for more information, feel free to call us on (02) 9262 3221, or email us at sydneyhq@animal-lib.org.au.