Demand Water for Ducks
Duck Facts
Ducks are very curious and inquisitive animals. In a natural environment, they enjoy bathing, preening their feathers, and foraging. Under normal circumstances, they are expected to live for up to 12 years.
In Australia, over 8 million ducks are slaughtered at just 6 to 7 weeks old.
Life on a farm is miserable for the animals involved. Despite being an aquatic bird, ducks on Australian farms will never see nor feel water as nature had intended them to. Almost all duck farms are intensive, meaning they are kept inside crammed sheds and only given water from nipple drinkers. Despite water being necessary for their health and wellbeing, these ducks will never be able to swim or preen themselves.
Ducks have weaker joints and legs than other birds, as they are designed to spend a large portion of their day floating - alleviating the weight on their legs. The lack of water coupled with the rapid growth rates (caused by years of selective breeding), results in ducks suffering from lameness, dislocated joints, broken bones, splay legs, breast blisters, loss of their centre of gravity, bumblefoot, pus-filled cuts and abrasions, skin damage from high ammonia concentrations, crusty eye, and high levels of stress.
Our latest exposé
In 2018, Animal Liberation, with the help of the world’s best animal rights photographers, exposed the realities of duck farming once again. Despite past exposés, ducks are still living in appalling crowded conditions, with no access to open water. They will never fly, swim, see sunlight or smell fresh air. They live amongst their waste, are unable to preen, and suffer from deformities, illnesses, and broken legs. Watch the full exposé below.
Animal Liberation has exposed this industry many times before. To learn more about our duck campaigns, click here.
Help us fight
Ducks are forced to live in stressful, unnatural conditions before they are brutally slaughtered. While our longterm goal is to see an end to duck farming altogether, we need to ensure that ducks are provided access to water in the immediate future.
Please help demand water for ducks by signing the petition below.
You can also help by pushing for an Independent Office of Animal Welfare, here.
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals