Stop the aerial slaughter of free-roaming wild horses
Image: Paul McIver
Be a voice for free-roaming horses today.
Email NSW Premier Chris Minns and demand an immediate end to the aerial shooting of horses and foals in Kosciuszko National Park.
The decision by the NSW Government to re-authorise the aerial shooting of free-roaming horses in Kosciuszko National Park (‘KNP’) for the first time in 20 years sent shockwaves across the nation. Despite our objections and the overwhelming support of hundreds of concerned citizens, the Feral Animal Shooting Team (‘FAST’) have returned to Kosciuszko. And they have continued to take aim.
Image supplied
This week we were confronted with heartbreaking evidence of the suffering inflicted upon these animals. Photographs received by Animal Liberation reveal the harrowing consequences of the NSW Government's aerial shooting campaign, with piles of dead horses strewn across the landscape. Shockingly, some of these brumbies were clearly pregnant, tragically aborting their foals as a result of the shooting.
Join us in demanding justice and compassion for the free-roaming wild horses of KNP. Take action by sending an urgent email to NSW Premier Chris Minns demanding an immediate end to the aerial shooting of KNP horses and foals.
We’ve made it easy for you to have your say on behalf of Kosciuszko’s free-roaming wild horses. For greater impact, we strongly recommend you tailor your email to personalise your views and any personal experiences you have had. You can use our flexible email template to send a direct email to Premier Minns, or as a guide for your own personal email.
Anyone can send an email – you do not need to live in NSW to have your say.

Imagine the psychological fear and trauma experienced by these horses, including pregnant mares and young foals, as they are chased by a loud helicopter, often on uneven terrain, separated, trying to escape the rapid fire of deadly bullets from the sky. We know it's not a single bullet or an immediate death, either.
Image: Michelle J Photography
Background history
RSPCA NSW's 'Observation Trial' report from November 2023 confirms that during the 7 to 8 November 2023 aerial shooting, between 3 to 15 shots were fired at each horse, with multiple horses, including two one-week-old foals, being shot.
The RSPCA NSW November 2023 report states: "The median time elapsed between the final shot being fired at an animal and when it was inspected was 3 minutes and 27 seconds". In total, only 43 of the horses and foals shot between 7 and 8 November 2023 were inspected by RSPCA NSW on-ground. The report also confirms: "Characterisation of the fate of all bullets was not possible due to the large numbers of intersecting bullet wound tracts in inspected animals". This means sentient animals suffered, their bodies riddled with bullets, their pain and anguish possibly unobserved. It's a heartbreaking reality that demands our immediate action.