Pigs Without Borders: exposing the right to harm enablers

Stand with us to free Australian pigs from cruelty, protect our environment, and build a more compassionate future.

The enablers allow ongoing harm to Australian pigs, our shared environment and people. 

The plight of Australian pigs, their welfare and wellbeing is still seriously compromised by outdated and inadequate animal welfare legislation, exempted, government sanctioned animal cruelty, and the largely self-regulated Australian pork industry has continued to profit, with next to no oversight or enforcement, in spite of ongoing exposures.

Action Hub

Protecting pigs and rural communities from the cruelty of factory farming starts with you.

Your action today can save countless lives and create a more sustainable food system for generations to come. Join our people power movement for pigs today:

You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know

- William Wilberforce -

Join the people power movement for pigs

Join the people power movement for Australian pigs by committing your support to our Pigs Without Borders campaign or and donating here: