End the Kangaroo Slaughter
Kangaroos are a much-loved and iconic Australian species. People come from all over the world to see them, yet they are getting harder and harder to find.
Currently, there is an alarming lack of credible data regarding kangaroo population numbers. Recent environmental disasters across the country, combined with extensive shooting activities, have raised serious concerns with some experts about the survival of kangaroo populations.
Even official government figures show, however, that in some parts of the country kangaroos are nearing extinction, that the overall kangaroo population is declining, and that the process of ‘harvesting’ is doing them irreparable damage.
Although the kangaroo is officially a protected species, the federal and state governments, farming lobbies and the kangaroo ‘industry’ insist that kangaroos are a pest, in ‘plague’ proportions, and must be managed by continual shooting.
The relentless killing of kangaroos is the largest land-based commercial slaughter of wildlife in the world. The animal cruelty involved is unconscionable. It is time to recognise this senseless massacre for the national shame and disgrace that it is, and demand the government bring it to an end.
Help kangaroos by calling on your Federal MP to support an end to the slaughter.
Please add a subject line and personalise the letter to have a greater impact for animals.