Animal Liberation is a not-for-profit organisation. We receive no government funding, meaning our fight for the animals relies solely on donations from generous people like you!
Please know that contributions of any amount help the fight to permanently improve the lives of all animals.
Donations can be made online, via cheque, direct deposit, or via fundraising.
You can use this form to make a secure donation via credit card. Your credit card details are handled externally by the secure Stripe system.
Direct Deposit
If you have internet banking, you contribute a gift using direct deposit straight into Animal Liberation’s account using the following details:
Bank: Bank Australia
Account Name: Animal Liberation NSW
BSB No: 313 140
Account No: 1220 5501
Branch: Sydney, NSW
After making a direct deposit, please also contact us with details of your gift so that we can thank you.
If you would like to leave a donation gift using PayPal, please click here.
Cheques can be posted to the following address. Please note we cannot accept money orders.
Animal Liberation
Suite 378, 846-850 Military Road,
Mosman, Australia, 2088
Fundraise for Animal Liberation NSW
Are you competing in a fun run, or wish to raise money for a special occasion? Head over to the JustGiving platform and make an event page! Please note JustGiving receives a service fee of 6.5% for donations made via their platform.