Rabbit Farming Exposed
Animal Liberation has been at the forefront of exposing the realities of the rabbit meat industry. Below is a summary of our campaigns to date.
2021 Campaign:
Shocking new footage released by Animal Liberation reveals the abhorrent cruelty inflicted on domestic rabbits in one of Australia's rabbit farms in Victoria. The distressing vision depicts domestic rabbits bred in cruel conditions, and sick and injured rabbits left alive to suffer a slow death in breach of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986. Southern Farmed Rabbits is currently under investigation by the government department Agriculture Victoria following these revelations released by The Age in September, 2021.
For more information, visit the campaign page here.
You can read our full media release here (PDF).
Breaking story from The Age.

2018 Campaign:
Cruelty Fill’d
In 2017, Grill’d introduced a bunny burger to their menu in “celebration” of Easter. Animal Liberation quickly notified them of the cruelty associated with rabbit farming and launched a petition asking them to stop selling the burger.
In just a few days, over 5,000 people signed the petition and Grill’d agreed to never sell rabbit meat again.

2016 Exposé:
Glencroft Farm, Tasmania
Exposed by Animal Liberation NSW in September 2016. Rabbits are kept in tiny, filthy wire cages suspended above piles of manure. Investigators found numerous dead and sick/injured rabbits.
The rabbits are killed in an on-site abattoir, their meat sold in independent butchers across Perth.
7 News (Facebook Video)
7 News (Article) Disturbing footage prompts call to ban ‘simply cruel’ rabbit farming industry
Daily Mail (Article) Missing fur, crammed into tiny cages and living in filth: The disturbing conditions of rabbits farmed for Australian supermarkets are revealed in secret video

2015 Exposé:
Baldivis Rabbits, Baldivis WA
We need your help
We urge the Australian public to use their voices to demand a better reality for rabbits farmed in this country.
Support our call for a National Independent Office of Animal Welfare (IOAW), by signing the petition below. An IOAW will oversee and investigate farms such as this, to ensure standards are being met and perpetrators of animal cruelty are held to account.
Help us end the demand for rabbit meat by not purchasing or ordering rabbit meat, and by asking restaurants to leave rabbit meat off the menu. You can download our letter template here (doc).
Please support the Victorian Animal Justice Party’s call to ban rabbit farming in Victoria.
Help us keep our campaigns alive by leaving a donation gift or by becoming a regular supporter of Animal Liberation.