Become a Conscious Consumer
A lot is happening around the world right now, and being exposed to so much information and negative news can be overwhelming. Sometimes this makes us want to shut off from all the issues and stay inside our personal, familiar bubble. Doing this, however, isn’t a great solution long-term - for you, others, or the planet.
Although we can’t expect ourselves to be experts on each and every issue, it is important that we are aware of, and understand how, our behaviours impact the world around us. Several issues, including resource inequality, habitat loss, species extinctions, and some natural disasters and pandemics, are caused by our choices and actions. We all urgently need to acknowledge our impact and make some changes.
We know this might seem difficult, but do not worry – we are going to help you on your journey to becoming a more conscious consumer!
Why should I change?
One of the best ways to reduce your impact is to become a conscious consumer. A conscious consumer looks beyond product labels and wants to know more about what their money is supporting. They question where and how items are being made, what the company policies are, and the overall impact of a product. Considering these factors in product selection will, in turn, minimise our impact on others and the environment.
Where do I start?
Self-evaluation isn’t always easy, but we should look at what we do, support, eat, and wear, on a daily basis. Luckily, with the Internet at our fingertips, we can connect and learn about the products we consume and the industries in which we participate. Documentaries and books are great resources as well.
With so much to cover, we’ve made beginning this journey to conscious consumerism simple by putting together a simple guide.
The guide is designed to help build your understanding of different animal industries, and their impacts on the animals, the environment, and people. This super condensed summary will make it easier to take in the information and make the relevant changes at a beginner-friendly pace. Each issue also has ethical alternatives and a happy rescue story!
It’s important to keep in mind there is no such thing as perfection. It is about taking some form of positive action – and small positive changes are better than none at all.
Top tips
We want this to be an enjoyable learning experience for you. Here are a few of our top tips to help you on this journey:
Take note of why this is important to you
Write down, or make a vision board of why this is important to you. Referring to this might help keep you on track if it begins to feel difficult.
Remember that just because you can’t do everything, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything
Little changes make a difference. If you find something particularly hard to change, work on other things and come back to it.
Take your time and be kind to yourself
Change takes time, and so does learning. This is your journey and as long as you keep learning and trying, you’re doing great.
Don’t beat yourself up if you slip up or feel like it is too hard. Just take it day by day!
Ask a friend to join you!
Doing something on your own can be daunting. Buddying up can help with accountability and motivation. Why not sign up with a friend and take this journey together?
Take Action
By taking the pledge, you're making a commitment to yourself to make more conscious choices as a consumer. But don't worry, this doesn't mean you have to change everything overnight! This is your journey and you are setting the pace
And we're here to help! We've put together a guide to assist you on this journey.
Making conscious choices and minimising our personal impacts on the planet, is helping to create a more sustainable future for everyone.
So let's make a kinder and more sustainable world together.
Worried about taking this journey alone? Why not ask a friend to sign up with you so that you can help one another out!
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