Duck Farming Exposed
Animal Liberation first began campaigning against the duck industry in 2011. After the initial investigation, it was clear that the welfare of the ducks was being ignored. Since then, we have had three exposés, highlighting the inherent cruelty of farming ducks. Australian animal welfare standards still allow ducks to be farmed without access to open water, despite proof that it causes them to suffer from illness, disease, and deformities. Below is a summary of our campaigns and the ways in which you can help ducks.
About duck farming
Ducks are very curious and inquisitive animals that often waddle about and peck as they investigate their surroundings. They are extremely alert and highly communicative, with a tendency to make loud quacking or honking noises when their territories have been entered. In a natural environment, they enjoy bathing, preening their feathers, and foraging. Under normal circumstances, they are expected to live for up to 12 years. Ducks farmed for their flesh, however, are slaughtered at only 6 to 7 weeks old.
The term ‘like a duck out of water’ is commonly used to refer to a person who is out of their natural and normal element. The use and popularity of this analogy indicates that humans are aware of their need for water. So, if we take it that ducks are meant to live in, on, and around water - why then are up to 8 million ducks farmed in Australia, under conditions of near-total water deprivation?
Australian duck farms deny these inherently aquatic birds instinctive desire to swim and live around water. Aside from nipple drinkers provided for ducks to drink from, these ducks will never see nor feel water as nature had intended them to. There is no legal requirement in Australia for commercial duck farms to have water available for ducks to swim, bath, or even dip their heads.
For more information, please visit our page The Impacts of Duck Farming.
2018 Exposé
After three years, anonymous activists sent Animal Liberation more footage from an Australian duck farm. The sheds are still over-crowded and disease and illness is rampant.
Ducking Hell: The Shocking Video Revealing How We Farm Ducks In Australia - By Chris Graham, New Matilda on June 11, 2018
2015 Exposé
In August 2015, the footage once again shows that disease is rampant. The authorities have repeatedly failed to stop the animal suffering and biosecurity risk caused by the disease at this farm.
In 2013, another duck farm was investigated showing the same issues. A vet report explained that the disease was caused by bad husbandry practices. On both occasions, we alerted the authorities including the DPI and the Food Authority.
Action and Outcome
In 2013 Animal Liberation NSW sent information the ACCC highlighting the company Luv a Duck’s false advertising. The company website and packaging claimed the ducks were "grown and grain fed in the spacious Victorian Wimmera wheatlands." The company, based at Nhill, in western Victora, also claimed its ducks were "range-reared and grain fed." The company admitted its ducks did not spend anytime outside of the barn. The ACCC ordered Luv-a-Duck to implement a trade practices compliance program, publish corrective notices on its website and business premises, and provide a corrective notice to its customers, and costs.
2012 Exposé
Tinder Creek, Mellong, NSW
In 2012, Animal Liberation investigators exposed the cruelties of farming ducks at Tinder Creek Duck Farm. Ducks showed signs of disease, illness, and deformities.
Action and Outcome
Animal Liberation passed this information on to the ACCC, highlighting Pepe Duck’s misleading advertising in stating their ducks were “open-range” and “grown nature’s way”. The company was fined $400,000 in the Federal Court in Melbourne, for false, deceptive and misleading advertising.
On Tuesday 19 June 2012, ABC's 7:30 aired Animal Liberation's investigation into the duck industry after Animal Liberation submitted a complaint to the ACCC regarding Pepe's Duck's. ABC's 7:30 showed disturbing scenes of intensively housed ducks on their backs unable to re-erect themselves, ducks whose feathers were smattered in faecal matter, and ducks who had fallen under drinking nipples and had their wings painfully caught in the wire mesh flooring.
Awareness Campaign
In 2011 Animal Liberation, together with the Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH) received a Voiceless grant for $13,000 for a project titled, "Like a Duck Out of Water: An expose of the Australian duck industry and the deprivation of water for intensively farmed ducks raised for meat." This grant was used to develop and produce an extensive report on the duck industry in Australia. The report is printed in both Chinese and English and is being distributed to restaurants, airlines and other duck meat retailers. Prior to this report the welfare practices of this industry had gone relatively unquestioned. Please download and share the information within these reports.
English Version
Help us fight.
Without activists risking their safety and freedom to expose these places, the industry will continue to operate in secrecy. The public will continue to be fed lies and disease-ridden food, and animals will continue to live in absolute hell.
Please help us by demanding water for ducks:
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals