Stop Victorian duck shooting

URGENT: Speak up for native waterbirds by emailing the Victorian Minister for Outdoor Recreation and Minister for Agriculture today.

There is a glimmer of hope that Victorian ducks will be safe from the carnage of the duck shooting season. Media recently broke the silence by stating the possibility of a complete ban on duck shooting based on advice from senior government sources and credible 'whispers' in the Victorian Parliament. 

As the Victorian Government is yet to announce whether the Victorian duck shooting season will go ahead or not, now is our chance to speak up for the ducks and show your support for a complete ban.

We’ve compiled some important points for you to include in your letter below.

Suggested points to include


  • I was pleased to hear in the media that the Victorian Government is considering a duck shooting ban. I would completely support and applaud the decision to end the senseless killing of ducks in Victoria.

The welfare issues:

  • Victoria is falling behind – Western Australia (1990), New South Wales (1995), and Queensland (2005) banned duck shooting on animal cruelty and environmental protection grounds.

  • The latest Eastern Australian Waterbird Aerial Survey (Oct 2022 PDF) highlighted that waterbird numbers are in rapid decline. This is not only devastating for species extinction but also has environmental consequences.

  • A 2020 report summarising a hunter’s knowledge survey (PDF) found that:

    • Fewer than 4 out of 100 shooters could answer all questions correctly when asked about animal welfare, waterbird identification and safety.

    • 3 out of 5 shooters don’t know how to shoot to minimise wounding.

    • 84% of shooters don’t know how to kill ducks they have shot and injured.

    • 85% of shooters don’t understand the safety risks associated with firing at ducks at close-range.

  • An estimated one out of four birds shot will suffer for days or weeks before finally succumbing to their injuries.

  • In 2022, hunters were still illegally shooting protected and threatened species, despite GMA compliance officers being present.

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