Central Coast commercial dog breeding facility REFUSED
We couldn’t have done it without the kindness of our supporters.
Another WIN for our animal friends
The Development Application Modification for the Kris Lewis FindAfrenchie, commercial dog breeding facility, has been REFUSED and it’s unanimous!
The Central Coast Local Planning Panel decision and the reasons for refusal can be viewed here.
I’m ecstatic and relieved after a gruelling two-year campaign by Animal Liberation for the vulnerable dogs, local community, and innocent consumers. The unwavering support from over 900 compassionate people like you, Nadia, helped us achieve this victory.
Our journey with the Palm Grove community has included many tears, highs, lows, and at times, dismay and palpable anger. I’ve felt powerless and frustrated against a wall of disinterest, deflections, half-answers, non-answers, and out of date and inadequate planning and animal welfare legislation. I have also spoken with consumers of these dogs, and have been distressed and shocked by what I have heard and documents I have received. Never, however, did I relent, give up, or stray from my belief of compassion without compromise.
You can watch the heartfelt public hearing presentations opposing the planning modification at the Central Coast Extraordinary Local Planning Panel on 3 August 2023. I was the 12th speaker, followed by the proponent Kris Lewis. You can also view my presentation slides here.
I have written to council's Director of Environment and Planning requesting their written advice regarding necessary council enforcement actions to dismantle all infrastructure erected by the proponent without planning consent, and the cessation of 'use' of the night shed for the housing, keeping and breeding of animals.
This campaign has absolutely confirmed for me the urgent need to overhaul our planning laws as they apply to animals, all animals. You can support our campaign by adding your signature to our petition demanding an urgent overhaul to NSW's Planning Laws.
Our work for animals on the Central Coast is not over yet, and I need your help.
Behind the scenes, we have also been investigating two other animal breeding concerns. We will share these details with you soon, and how you can help.
As I’ve endeavoured to do throughout the Palm Grove campaign, you have my personal commitment that I will give my all, to achieving success with these new campaigns, and justice for the animals involved.
Investigating, lodging Freedom of Information applications, designing and printing leaflets and corflutes, and raising awareness, all costs money. We need help, and so I am asking those of you who may be in a position to help, to consider making a one-off donation gift or becoming a monthly supporter to support our work for animals.
Written by Lisa Ryan, Animal Liberation’s Regional Campaigns Manager
Published 8 Aug 2023
Media enquiries: Lisa Ryan, Regional Campaigns Manager – lisa.r@animal-lib.org.au