Animal Liberation joins the International Kangaroo Protection Alliance
Animal Liberation is proud to be part of the International Kangaroo Protection Alliance
About the Kangaroo Protection Alliance
The International Kangaroo Protection Alliance (IKPA) is a coalition of non-government groups and experts committed to increasing the visibility both nationally and internationally about kangaroos and their need for greater protection.
We envision a future where kangaroos are respected for their intrinsic worth and valued for their important contribution to ecosystems and society. A world where kangaroos and people coexist.
Our vision
Our vision is for kangaroos to be safe from human harm whilst being recognised for their importance in Australian ecosystems and their deep connection to Australia's Indigenous peoples and country.
Our main welfare concerns
The IKPA’s welfare concerns are:
The millions of kangaroos and wallabies killed each year for commercial and non-commercial purposes;
Intentional killing of kangaroos by shooting and poisoning;
The fate of joeys after their mothers have been killed;
Impacts of shooting and fencing on kangaroo mobs;
Lack of monitoring and enforcement of the Code of Practice at the point of kill.
Why are kangaroos culled in Australia?
Kangaroos are killed for both commercial and non-commercial reasons. The commercial industry is a multi-million dollar business, that kills over 1 million kangaroos for their flesh and skin. Their flesh is marketed as “healthy” and their skin is used for leather or suede, by large companies such as Nike, Adidas, and Puma.
Kangaroos are seen as competitors for resources to the 68.1 million sheep and 28 million cattle. For this reason, they are classified as a 'pest' and are shot or poisoned for non-commercial purposes. The exact number of kangaroos and joeys killed by the non-commercial industry is not known. In reality, they are simply trying to survive in a shrinking environment.
Why should we protect kangaroos?
Aside from having their own intrinsic value and the right to live free from human harm, kangaroos are native animals, sentient beings, and ecosystem engineers - meaning they contribute to the health of landscapes and the ecosystem. They also have a deep cultural significance to Indigenous Australians.
In 1788, kangaroo populations across Australia were estimated to be between 100 and 200 million. Today, their population hovers around 25 million and despite this huge decrease, federal and state governments, farming lobbies and the kangaroo ‘industry’ insist that kangaroos are a pest, in ‘plague’ proportions, and must be managed by continual shooting. This is simply untrue, and we need to protect them and learn to live in harmony with them.
Take Action
To get involved with the international movement and stay up to date
Ask the Legislative Council to support the Kangaroo Protection Bill
Join the international protests, asking Nike to stop the kangaroo massacre - Follow our Facebook page for updates.
International Kangaroo Protection Alliance members
Animal Liberation, Animal Defenders Office, Animal Justice Party NSW, Animals Australia, Australian Wildlife Protection Council, Australian Wildlife Shelters Coalition, Australia’s Kangaroos, Collection Fashion Justice, Creative Cowboy, International Wildlife Coexistence Network, Kangaroos Alive, Kindness Project, Association for Respectful CoHabitation, Center For A Humane Economy, Victorian Kangaroo Alliance, Wild 2 Free Roo Refuge, and World Animal Protection.