How Many Chickens Die Every Year?
How many is 4%?
The 678 million chickens equate to 96% of the entire flock. This means an additional 28,250,000 individuals are expected to die every year during the “growing” process. The industry claims these deaths are due to “natural” causes, however, intensive farming practices are largely responsible for them.
Approximately 90% of chickens are raised on intensive farms. This means that they live in cramped sheds on top of their waste. The build-up of ammonia causes a range of health problems, from respiratory issues to hock burn, bumblefoot, and blisters on their breasts.
In addition to this, the modern-day chicken has been selectively bred to reach a slaughter weight of ~3.6kg in just 7 weeks. Their rapid growth rate and additional body-weight places stress on their muscles, bones, and internal organs. Many suffer from lameness and broken bones, causing them to die from starvation and thirst, as they are unable to walk to the feeders. Others die from heart attacks.
A broiler chicken stuck on their back.
You can help them!
By purchasing a plant-based alternative, you are helping to break the cycle of suffering and create a kinder world.
Some delicious chicken alternatives are:
Sunfed Chicken Free Chicken: available at Coles
Herb and Sons: available at Coles
Gardein: available at Woolworths
Quorn: available at Coles and Woolworths
Fry’s Family: available at Coles and Woolworths
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Article was updated February 2022